This year, our agenda is packed with even more ways for attendees to walk away with actionable tools and insights. For 2024 we’re helping you build your toolkit with:

  • keynote speakers
  • mentorship workshops
  • breakout sessions
  • hand-on workshops
  • panel sessions


Location: Agri-Food Hub, Lethbridge, AB

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Various Locations

Join us on a tour of the agri-food industry right in the heart of Canada’s Premier Food Corridor. Tour will include stops at 3 agri-food destinations with customized tours at each stop. Lunch and beverages are included.

*This is a ticketed event. Check back for ticket purchase information.

Various Locations

As attendees are arriving to Lethbridge, local restaurants will provide discounted meal & drink options for dining options. A great way to connect with your peers and other expo attendees before the official start of the Agri-Food Innovation Expo.

Details on available dining options will be posted below as they are available.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Agri-Food Hub

Registration & Continental Breakfast

Main Stage

The welcome address will set the tone for the event, highlighting the importance of Agri-Food Innovation Expo and the impact it will have on helping businesses build their toolkit in the agricultural and food industry.

Main Stage
Putting Focus on Innovation When All They Want is Lower Prices
Peter Chapman, SKUFood

There has been a lot of focus on the price of food and beverages. Cost increases in ingredients, labour, packaging, logistics and other inputs has forced price increases across almost every category. Consumers, retailers and even politicians are focused on the prices they see in grocery stores. Peter will share tactics and strategies to help you get customers and consumers to see the value in the innovation you bring to the market. Innovation costs money and you need to get a return on your investments.

Main Stage

Join us for an insightful panel discussion on the transformative topic of sustainability in the agri-food sector. As the world grapples with climate change, resource depletion, and food security challenges, the industry must innovate and adapt. Our expert panelists will explore innovative practices, technologies, and policies shaping the future of sustainable agriculture and food production.

Brett Wills, CarbonOne
Panelist Details Coming Soon!
Panelist Details Coming Soon!
Panelist Details Coming Soon!
Exhibits Area

Coffee Break, Networking & Exhibits

Breakout Rooms

Breakout 1

Tips on Getting Listed, Making Your Listing Thrive and Growing Your Business at Retail – Jeff Doucette, Field Agent Canada

Breakout 2

CarbonOne – Brett Wills, CarbonOne

Breakout 3

Safe Food for Canadians Regulations – Elaine Miller, Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Breakout 4

Details Coming Soon!
Exhibits Area

Lunch, Networking & Exhibits

Main Stage

Information on our keynote speaker will be coming soon.

Main Stage

Explore the evolving landscape of marketing in the agri-food industry in this dynamic panel discussion. As consumer preferences shift and digital platforms proliferate, effective marketing strategies are more crucial than ever for connecting with audiences and driving growth. Our panel of marketing experts will discuss emerging trends and best practices for marketing in the agri-food industry.

Information on our panelists will be coming soon.

Exhibits Area

Coffee Break, Networking & Exhibits

Breakout Rooms

These can’t-miss sessions will give you hands on experience, allowing you to walk away with insights, tools or assets that you can immediately integrate into your business.

Workshop 1

From Prime To Pantry: How to Successfully Launch Your Food Brand on Amazon – Tom Harrison, TNT Ecommerce

Workshop 2

What needs to be on your labels? With Food Safety Solutions.

Workshop 3

Workshop 4

Exhibits Area

Not sure how to take your business to the next phase? Have an idea that you need a second opinion on? Back by popular demand from 2023, these sessions will give you access to experts in the industry. Get one-on-one feedback to help you take the next step in your business.

Information on our mentors and how you can book your session will be coming soon.

Agri-Food Hub

We’re ending night one of the Agri-Food Innovaiton Expo off by brining the agri-food industry together. The first tool in your toolkit is your network. Here you will have the opportunity to create a deeper connection with like-minded professionals and exchange ideas.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Agri-Food Hub

Registration & Continental Breakfast

Main Stage

The welcome address will provide attendees with a recap of Agri-Food Innovation Expo day one while highlighting what our guests can expect for the rest of the day.

Main Stage

What Does the Future Hold for Agri-Food?

Jo-Ann McArthur
Nourish Food Marketing

The Nourish 2025 Trend Report will be hot off the press. What trends of the future can you leverage for your business? What blue ocean opportunities still exist from ongoing trends?

Join Jo-Ann as she gives you plenty of food for thought and real-world examples to future-proof and grow your business.

Main Stage

Information on this panel will be coming soon!

Exhibits Area

Coffee Break, Networking & Exhibits

Breakout Rooms

Breakout 1

Smashing Sales and Marketing Together: Mapping Your Customer Journey with James Bradbury.

Breakout 2

Small is Strong: Turning Size into a Strategic Advantage in Growing your Business with Bryanna Kumpala-Yung.

Breakout 3

Trials and Tribulations of innovation in Consumer Packaged Goods – Shawn Leggett, GroundUp eco-ventures ltd.

Breakout 4

Details Coming Soon!
Exhibits Area

Lunch, Networking & Exhibits

Breakout Rooms
Hand-On Workshops

These can’t-miss sessions will give you hands on experience, allowing you to walk away with insights, tools or assets that you can immediately integrate into your business.

Workshop 1

Branding Workshop

Workshop 2

Food Processing Skills Canada

Workshop 3

CFIA Safe Food for Canadians Regulations for Traceability. With Food Safety Solutions.
Exhibits Area
Mentoring Workshops

Not sure how to take your business to the next phase? Have an idea that you need a second opinion on? Back by popular demand from 2023, these sessions will give you access to experts in the industry. Get one-on-one feedback to help you take the next step in your business.

Information on our mentors and how you can book your session will be coming soon.

Exhibits Area

Coffee Break, Networking & Exhibits

Main Stage

This panel will explore the transformative trends shaping the future of the agri-food industry in Canada. From technology-driven innovations to shifting consumer preferences and the growing importance of food security, our expert panel will discuss the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. Join us as we delve into how the agri-food sector is evolving to meet global demands, and what it means for producers, consumers, and stakeholders across the supply chain.

Hubba Khatoon, Canadian Food Innovation Network (CFIN) MODERATOR
Dana Gibson, Alberta Innovates
Panelist Details Coming Soon!
Panelist Details Coming Soon!
Main Stage

Information on our keynote speaker will be coming soon.
