Ryan Sawka

Senior Relationship Manager, FCC

Expanding Your Food & Beverage Business

Join Harvey Bellanger and Ryan Sawka from Farm Credit Canada to understand the 4 M’s in Production, how to use debt to grow your business and how to overcome hurdles when a market changes.


Ryan Sawka is a Senior Relationship Manager with FCC. Based out of FCC’s Calgary office, he manages the corporate and commercial files in Southern Alberta. Ryan was born and raised in small town Saskatchewan. He received his Bachelor of Business Administration with a Major in Finance from the University of Regina. Over the past decade, Ryan has worked with high-net-worth individuals, business owners and executives in the realm of wealth management, financial sales, private equity and corporate lending. Ryan prides himself on being a life-long learner with a passion for economics and behavioral finance. After the last five years in Calgary, he just recently purchased his first Calgary Flames jersey – officially hopping on their bandwagon. Ryan has also embraced his newest title as a father to his two-year old son.

Farm Credit Canada
