Craig Bansema

Food Scientist – Product Development, Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation – Food Processing Development Centre

Value Addition Through Food Processing

This session will explore the critical role of value addition through food processing in the agri-food industry. Our expert panelists, with diverse backgrounds in food science, agricultural engineering, and product development, will delve into the complexities and opportunities within the realm of food processing. Gain insights into innovative approaches that enhance the value of agri-food products and contribute to the industry’s growth and sustainability. Whether you’re involved in product development, quality assurance, or seeking to understand the latest advancements in food processing, this session promises valuable takeaways to elevate your understanding of the agri-food landscape.


Craig Bansema is a Food Scientist, specializing in product and process development, at Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation’s Food Processing Development Centre. He has worked as a product developer for 24 years for both private industry and government organizations. Craig has brought a variety of products from concept to market, including products from confectionery to processed meats, for both retail and food service distribution. Outside of work, Craig keeps himself busy with family life and, with whatever spare time can be gleaned, striving to be a better bass player.

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